Shamanic Healing

Deeply rooted in the profound practices of healing and guided by spiritual wisdom, the role of a shaman holds immense significance.
As a Shamanic Practitioner, I am dedicated to creating a supportive, safe space where you can awaken from within, access your innate healing power, and promote self-restoration.
Embrace the transformative potential of shamanism, free yourself from harmful patterns, restore harmony, and forge an unbreakable spiritual connection. Discover the profound impact shamanism can have on your personal journey by contacting me for a session or obtaining more information.
This is your unique path, an extraordinary journey, and ultimately Your Healing Story!

“A healer does not heal you.

A healer is someone who holds space for you

while you awaken you inner healer

so that you may heal yourself.”



Trained by Roel Crabbé according to the methods of Sandra Ingerman and Michael Harner.

As a Shampra, I have learned to work with various Shamanic methods during healing ceremonies and rituals. The tools I use have been created, received, and collected along the way. I have learned to be a pure ‘Hollow Bone’ through which the Spirits do the work. To operate in the energetic realms beyond time and space. I also work with and in nature, with animals and houses.

During a healing ceremony, I will enter a kind of dream state with the help of sounds, with or without the use of an instrument. I am guided by what reveals itself and unfolds. I undertake a journey to the unseen world and will share this dream journey with you.

Tuned in to you and your intentions, we will first assess what is needed at this moment. It may be necessary to carry out other work first or schedule a follow-up session. A Shamanic Practitioner is not the same as a Shaman. You can read more about this in my blog – Shamanism, shaman or shampra?

Bernadetta’s healing work is infused with a profound love and warmth that can deeply resonate with your innermost being.
Her unwavering dedication, nurturing care, and selfless service shine through in every aspect of her work.
Not only does she possess the extraordinary ability to bring forth a light that touches your very soul, but she also emanates a unique strength that can only be described as the love and warmth of a true ‘family’.
I feel immensely grateful to have witnessed her transformation into the extraordinary healer she is today.

Roel Crabbé

Back to the Future

Transform & Own Your Story!

Curse Unravelment

This is a method of unraveling programs. Often, these programs are deeply rooted and not always consciously known.

A program can evolve over time and often involves limiting beliefs. Think of thought patterns like ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I’m not deserving,’ which can have a profound impact on one’s life.

During this healing ceremony, we embark on a journey through the timeline, where the origin of this program is revealed and its construction can be unraveled. It is even possible to bring healing to family patterns.

By changing the awareness of a situation, you can step out of it. Liberated from limitations, programs, and stories, more light and space emerge. This empowers you to bring change to the past and to your own story!


Bridge Building

Guiding Souls and Energies

Psychopomp – Depossession

During this enchanting healing ceremony, souls and energies are lovingly guided to the next phase of their existence, whether it be the afterlife or the origin from which they came. We provide a safe transition for those who hold on for various reasons. Some are unaware that they have passed away, while others simply cannot or do not want to let go.

As a dedicated Shampra, I serve as a psychopomp, a guide between life and death. My work extends to places where significant events have taken place, such as natural disasters, wars, or slaughterhouses. I transcend the boundaries of time and space and approach this sacred work with utmost respect.

Depossession is a refined form of being a psychopomp, where we can break the connection between presence and one’s energetic field.

By building bridges, we liberate every soul and help them continue their journey. Everyone longs for home, and in the afterlife, all beings are welcome!

Bernadetta has a very stable presence, she can hold space well. She is powerful in her healing work and takes it seriously. I can’t imagine a better healer.
I enjoyed the healing work that Bernadetta offered. It did me so much good and it went deeper than I have ever reached before.
I am very grateful to have experienced this. Thank you, Bernadetta!

Nancy Gerits

Bernadetta is already unique and a remarkable individual with a wonderful energy.
She is present, yet always gives space for others to be themselves without judgment. She knows how to articulate what is happening without diminishing others but instead offering insight and showing them that there is a choice.
She naturally exudes a wisdom that I have rarely seen, while also being incredibly approachable.

Vicky Jeurissen

The session exceeded my expectations!! It was so much more than that: the week before, the session itself, and the period afterwards.
The depth during the session, the perseverance, the continuation, until it became clear what was at play and what could be healed (the curse transformed into pure light)… truly remarkable, and much respect to you, Bernadetta!
It shows me how truly healing this work can be, how deeply it can go into time and space.
It’s amazing how everything transforms when healing happens. The wound seems/is dissolved in time: the past seems to change/transform, creating more space in the here and now.

Marjanna Hiel


Power Up!

Less of This, More of That

Extraction – Power Retrieval

During an extraction, misplaced energies from someone’s energy field are brought back to nature or to the light.
Natural objects can be used for this purpose.
Once this is done, the space where the misplaced energy resided will be filled with Strength and Light. The soul of a person is empowered, enabling them to realize their true potential.
Receiving a power animal is a form of power retrieval.

Soul medicine

Find, Remember & Know your Healing Story!

Soul Retrieval – Soul Remembrance

Your soul is light, it is the essence of who you truly are.

With Soul Retrieval, we bring back this pure essence of yours. We focus on the extraordinary powers and precious gifts that you can fully embrace once again. These are the parts of your essence that long to come home and shine again.
Life events may have caused a part of your essence to choose to go elsewhere. This could be due to trauma, accident, surgery, separation, loss of a loved one, or other significant events that have left an emptiness.
Symptoms may vary and include chronic fatigue, deep sorrow, persistent addictions, feelings of depression, and difficulty being truly present in yourself and your life.
With Soul Remembrance, we help you remember the original mission of your soul even before you were born on this earth.

SOUL MEDICINE is a unique journey consisting of three sessions. It is often necessary to do other inner work before a soul retrieval can take place.

Your Healing Story is here to support you on your healing journey so that you can shine again in your complete essence and connect with the deepest layers of your soul.


I always experience Bernadetta’s sessions as incredibly safe. She is gentle, loving, and deeply engaged.
At the same time, you can feel her expertise and groundedness; she leaves no room for ‘bullshit’.
The sacred space she opens for you is palpable, and I have no doubt in her ability to conduct secure healings for others.
As far as I’m concerned, she is a natural-born shaman, and this path is truly the one meant for her!
Bernadetta is a wise and extraordinary woman with profound knowledge and experience. She is a caring light warrior who is eager to support you on your journey towards self-realisation and inner freedom.

Lies Paelinck


Session € 130

Soul Medicine € 375

Sessions last approximately 2 hours.

If these rates pose a problem, please still contact us. We will definitely find a suitable solution. Insufficient budget should never be a reason to deprive yourself of (self-)care.

A session is completely personalized and perfectly tailored to suit your unique intentions and individual needs.

Enjoy the ultimate freedom to choose the session format that resonates with you the most. Dive into a world of endless possibilities, specially crafted for your extraordinary session experience.


At my home, this session takes place in a warm and loving environment. You will be warmly welcomed and can fully relax while enjoying the session.


Enjoy a session from the comfort of your own home through a video call. This online session offers all the benefits of a personal session, but with the convenience of staying home.

Distance Healing

Using a photo and symbols, I will conduct a remote session where you can stay in the comfort of your own home and space.

To cancel an appointment, please notify us via email at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to cancel or late cancellations will result in the full session fee being charged.

Please note that an energetic treatment can never replace the medical advice of a doctor or other medical professional. However, these energetic healings can be a valuable complement to existing conventional treatments, speeding up the healing process and making it more manageable.

Ready for a new story?

Your Path, Your Journey, Your Healing Story!

Bernadetta is an inspiring healer with a strong energetic connection to the Healing Field. Dedicated and extremely compassionate, she connects with her spirit team to facilitate deep healing in a caring manner.
I, Thor, the Siberian Husky, had the privilege of crossing paths with her during a period where pain, followed by two major knee surgeries and a long rehabilitation, had impacted my well-being and alpha position in my pack.
Bernadetta has the gift of empowering all living beings, and I experienced it firsthand. Free from pain and worries, I walked 600 kilometers on a pilgrimage trail in Sweden this summer.
Thank you, Bernadetta, for your exceptional loving presence.


Daydreams, Inspirations & Creations

Sjampra on the blog

Keepers of the Tribe

Keepers of the Tribe

Keepers of the Tribe emerged from a place of gratitude and love. Gratitude for Roel as a teacher, mentor, and human being during the Shamanic Practitioner training. My love for the Tribe, which he brought together, wanted to flow and take shape. It was a deeply...

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