Spiritual Coaching

A Medicine Woman’s Prayer

I will not rescue you, for you are not powerless.

I will not fix you, for you are not broken.

I will not heal you, for I see you in your Wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness

As you remember your Light.

As a spiritual coach, I can assist you at every step. By providing support, guidance, and tools to help you tap into your inner wisdom, connect with your true self, and confront life’s challenges.

Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or personal transformation, as a spiritual coach, I can help you uncover your own potential and lead a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Discover the power within yourself and embark on a transformative journey with a spiritual coach. Your path, your journey, your story!

Ready for a New Path?

Let me know!

Dancing with your Shadow

Dancing with your Shadow

The dance of your lifeEven though you prefer to do it quicklyand only for a short whileBecause it doesn't please youWhat you seeand feelAnd deeply touches youin placesWhere you have never lookedor didn't want to seeAnd you allowed yourself to be deceivedby the...

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What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

What does a name mean? We have first names, last names, nicknames, baptismal names, and probably many more variations of a name. I never really thought about the deeper meaning of a name until a dear friend of mine told me about her Holistic Name Analysis. A name...

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Cosmic Cave

Cosmic Cave

Cosmic CaveA placeOutside of time and spaceA placeOf infinite possibilitiesA placeWhere you are closely connectedTo yourselfAnd the unseen worldA placeWhere you can retreatA placeWhere you can peacefully contemplateA placeOf integration and growthBy learning to...

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Lost and Found

Lost and Found

Behind all all my shadows, there were many gifts waiting for me. Waiting to be seen and unwrapped. To do so, I had to dance a little with these shadows. By dancing with them, I have learned many lessons and gained many insights. I gained more compassion for what was...

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