Cosmic Cave


Cosmic Cave
A place
Outside of time and space
A place
Of infinite possibilities
A place
Where you are closely connected
To yourself
And the unseen world
A place
Where you can retreat
A place
Where you can peacefully contemplate
A place
Of integration and growth
By learning to look
Into the darkness
Within yourself
Outside of time and space
In your Cosmic Cave

Do you have a Cosmic Cave where you can retreat to?
Do you sometimes (or often) feel the need to do nothing?
Does the world sometimes feel overwhelming to you too?

You have probably been there too. The days are getting shorter, nights longer, and you can consider yourself lucky when the sun shines. Your energy level seems to be running low, and the only movement you want to make is inward. Disconnecting from the world and plugging even more into your own world, the unseen world. Your bed seems to be your best friend, and sleep is your favorite hobby. The concept of ‘hibernation’ is one that you fully embrace and enjoy. And you love crawling into your own Cosmic Cave to brood a little.

My Cosmic Cave is a wonderful place. Throughout the years, I’ve learned to go with the flow of life and nature, which is why it holds a special significance for me. In the past, I used to judge myself for not moving and doing enough, but now I’ve discovered a place where I don’t have to do anything. Previously, I resisted listening to my body’s signals and ended up depleting my energy reserves.

My body signaled that I should take it easy and retreat within. It’s perfectly fine to give yourself and your body a time-out, just like nature does. That it’s natural and normal to brood in my own Cosmic Cave and withdraw from the world to integrate and incubate.

Since I’ve been folowing the flow of life, I’ve noticed less resistance from my body and everything seems to be running smoother. It’s almost impossible to want to do more because once you connect with the universe and choose to ride on the flow of life, everything follows a different rhythm and divine timing comes into play. So during this period, I usually decorate my agenda with words that don’t have any real significance and I can further contemplate in my Cosmic Cave. I can delve into what the arrival of spring brings to light and allow it to take its place in the world.

I have come to the realization that I have the need to retreat into my Cosmic Cave, even outside of the winter season. And that’s why it’s so wonderful to create such a place for yourself. Something that exists outside of time and space and is always available. Take a gray and rainy day, for example. I feel less movement within myself compared to when the sun is shining. Or when you have just completed an intense retreat, workshop, or something else and want to land gently. Then a Cosmic Cave feels very pleasant to retreat into for a while. Even when I am facing challenging situations, it feels nice to be able to do that in the safety of my own little place. For me, it feels like coming home to a warm little den where the energy of mother earth is strongly present, embracing, nurturing, supporting, and loving me. If I were to connect it to a power animal, it would definitely be Mother Bear.

Sometimes I have the need to reconnect with myself in order to integrate and grow further. Sometimes the outside world can simply be too much.
And that’s where a Cosmic Cave becomes a true gift!