Warm Welcome

Warm Welcome

“As she walked through the forest, she spotted a flowing river. Intrigued, she approached the river and was invited to step into the water. As she immersed her feet, the river’s current calmed down, and she found herself standing in the middle of the...
Dancing with your Shadow

Dancing with your Shadow

The dance of your lifeEven though you prefer to do it quicklyand only for a short whileBecause it doesn’t please youWhat you seeand feelAnd deeply touches youin placesWhere you have never lookedor didn’t want to seeAnd you allowed yourself to be deceivedby...
Keepers of the Tribe

Keepers of the Tribe

Keepers of the Tribe emerged from a place of gratitude and love. Gratitude for Roel as a teacher, mentor, and human being during the Shamanic Practitioner training. My love for the Tribe, which he brought together, wanted to flow and take shape. It was a deeply...